Sunday, March 18, 2012

The very first Creepy Cleveland android app!

So I'm thumbing through my feed reader this morning and I come across this article from Android Authority about a service called Andromo that lets you create an Android app with no programming.

Skeptical, I click through to check it out.  That would be cool, making an Android app.  I wonder what I could use this for... then it hit me: Creepy Cleveland needs an android app!

Now I'm not sure if Creepy Cleveland really needs an android app or not, but it was fun playing around with the build process and consolidating a bunch of different features into one place.  I played with the color scheme and added some pre-made features.  I did some customizing and hit build.

A few minutes later I got an email that the app was ready to download.

I opened it (on my android tablet, of course) and hit install.


This is kinda cool.

It certainly won't be a top-download type of app, but it does do the things I wanted to do with the Creepy Cleveland web site.  Namely, it consolidates all my different feeds and posts and videos into one easy-to-access place.

Hmmm... it remains to be seen whether or not this will take off, but it's nice to have yet another Creepy Cleveland feature to brag about.

Wanna try it yourself?

Download it here.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

SOPA Blackout Day

Tomorrow, January 18, 2012, is SOPA Blackout day.
What is SOPA? The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA, H.R. 3261) is on the surface a bill that attempts to curb online piracy. Sadly, the proposed way it goes about doing this would devastate the online economy and the overall freedom of the web. It would particularly affect sites with heavy user generated content. Sites like Youtube, Reddit, Twitter, and others may cease to exist in their current form if this bill is passed.                  
As a site with nearly 100% user-generated content, I am joining the blackout tomorrow by including the script found at SOPABlackout to blackout the main page of Creepy Cleveland.

While I hardly expect a site like Creepy Cleveland to become a target for big media like reddit or youtube, I can't stand by and watch as the government attempts to control something they have cheerfully admitted they don't understand.  The quote of "First they came..." comes to mind when I think that if I don't stand up now, there soon may be no one to stand up in support of me...

P.S.  On the technical side, I found that including the one line javascript from the SOPABlackout site as the final line in the <head> section of the html template under Blogger's settings, achieved the desired results.

P.P.S.  Ironically, the link that goes to the "First they came..." link above goes to Wikipedia.  Wikipedia will be blacked out tomorrow as well.  See how much would be affected by these bills?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

What if I could get paid for this?

You may have noticed that I've turned on ads in the Creepy Cleveland blogs.  I feel like a big hypocrite because I usually have an ad-blocker on in every browser I use.

But after thinking about it, I thought, what's the harm?  I might even make a few bucks.

I only wish I had thought about turning on ads in September instead of in January... talk about the off-season...